
Mind of a Madman II Now Streaming everywhere!

Mind of a Madman II Now Streaming everywhere!

John Keenan's Mind of a Madman II streaming on all major platforms.

Melodymine Madman 2 Review

Mind of a Madman Mixtape Origin Story

Mind of a Madman Mixtape Origin Story

Watch the entire Mind of a Madman 1 origin story below. Made in 2010.

Mind Of A Madman Master

Mind Of A Madman Master

Mind of MadMan 2 is finished hoe. It features Samantha Dalton, Krizz Kaliko and X-Raided. Mixed and Mastered by Robert Rebeck.


We The People

We The People

I've had some tough years, but 2020 may have been one of the hardest. Not at the beginning or even the middle. A month before the great toilet paper stampede of 2020 my boss was selling N95 masks so none of the panic or lockdowns were surprising.

The virus caused me little to no stress, it was the election. No, I'm not a domestic terrorist. I'm not a dumbass either, but this post isn't about the election. 

I always wanted to make a patriotic song, but I don't have much control over the creative process. Whatever comes, comes, 

On election...