
Underground Takeover 3 on Faygoluvers

Underground Takeover 3 is on Faygoluvers!




Three 6 Mafia, Whitney Peyton & Twisted Insane Shows

Mad thanks to CMP and Hogan Entertainment for getting us on the Three 6 Mafia, Whitney Peyton & Twisted Insane Shows in Salina and Manhattan the 1st and 3rd of April. RC McGraws and The Muse Ballroom. It will be a great experience performing in Manhattan and a blessing.


I went to Manhattan High for awhile my Sophomore year and 3 years at K-State and Manhattan is my second home I love everything about it. Don't be a Jayhawk fan….come to the show. 


Go like Hogan Entertainment of Facebook!


Six Years

Time Flies. 

Lion's Hot

I'm just saying…..

Great Bend Hip Hop Night

Next Saturday John Keenan, Flash and Famous, YNC, Brady Blaze and S.R.C. will be doing a hip hop night in GBK with Jeremy Elliot on the 1's and 2's. Come out to 206 N. Highway 281 and lets rock yo! It was….fuck i forget the name  of the joint it was just re-opened under a new name but anyway, we're going to fuck shit up. I haven't performed there in like four years or some shit so it will be fun.